The pre-candidate for president for Together for Change patricia bullrich came out to respond to the criticism of the economy minister sergio masa regarding his political past in Peronism and the Montoneros and said that although he acknowledges it, he was “self-critical” and does not claim the “decimated generation” to which the vice president Cristina Kirchner praised to refer to Peter’s Wado.
“I assume what I did, I was in the Peronist youthque claimed Montonerosbut I think I am one of the few Argentines who made a clear self-criticism about him evil that violence does to politics. I I do not claim the decimated generation“, affirmed the holder of the PRO in use of a license while carrying out his campaign for PASO 2023.
Cristina Kirchner had said in reference to the generation that suffered firsthand the last dictatorship in Argentina that “I am part of the generation ten, the one Néstor talked about 20 years ago. What do I expect? I hope the sons of that decimated generation are the ones who take the post. I’m going to have the usual role, that of a political militant who does everything she has to do so that what she considers is the best thing that can happen to Argentines, happens to them.”
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And, in recent days, the candidate for president of United for the Homeland, Sergio Massa, came out to remember the political past through various spaces of antagonistic ideologies of Bullrich: “Those who accuse me of dialogue are the same who went through 13 parties different… Which one is Bullrich, the one from Montoneros, the one who was with (Carlos) Menem, the one who was with (Elisa) Carrió, the one who brought (Mauricio) Macri as a criminal?” Massa had said.
Coincidentally, a series of posters appeared pasted in the City of Buenos Aires with the legend “carolina serrano president“, alluding to the pseudonym Bullrich allegedly used during that period.
“The important thing for someone is to be self-critical as Mujica, who was president of Uruguay and said: “I don’t want to go back to the past” and it was the vote that prevented the past from opening in Uruguay; either Bachelet, that they killed her father, and said: ‘I don’t hold grudges'”Bullrich argued.
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José “Pepe” Mujica, former Uruguayan president, was a member of the guerrilla group tupamarosMeanwhile he General Alberto Bacheletloyal to the president Salvador AllendeHe died in 1974 at the age of 51 due to heart problems aggravated by the torture sessions to which he was subjected, six months after being arrested for “treason.”
The role of the Armed Forces and the controversy over the disappeared
Bullrich also stated that in the case of being president of the Nation, give the Armed Forces their rightful place. “I’m not going to leave them in a corner like they’ve been left and used as a puching ball for so many years,” she said.
“But Patricia…” Agustín Rossi’s chicana to Bullrich for inflation
Finally, he referred to the number of disappeared from the last military dictatorship, which always sparked controversy: “The base was scientific, it was Conadep. Put it that many people would not have dared to go to Conadep, it may have happened, already this time of year that did not happen. Regardless of whether there were 30,000, 8,000, or whatever, the bottom line is that Argentina can never again have those fratricidal confrontations like the ones he had and the construction of violence as a way of resolving the conflicts that a society can have”, he concluded.