
De Mendiguren said that the government is negotiating to advance funds and postpone maturities with the IMF

De Mendiguren said that the government is negotiating to advance funds and postpone maturities with the IMF

The Secretary of Industry and Productive Development, José Ignacio De Mendiguren, said this Wednesday that he is "very optimistic" regarding an agreement between Argentina and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and assured that the main objective is advance funds and postpone maturities. “I was working with the Fund's technical team and we are optimistic about reaching a convenient agreement for Argentina. Both the Fund and the American government have recognized the impact that this historic drought has had on Argentina which has subtracted nothing more and nothing less than a quarter of all our exports last year. It is not…
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Euro blue today: minute by minute of this Wednesday’s price

Euro blue today: minute by minute of this Wednesday’s price

He blue euro today Wednesday June 28th of 2023 in the informal market is listed to $534.00 for purchase and $539.00 for sale. The informal European currency is located on the rise after one raised from $5 during morning activity of the third exchange wheel of the week. What is the blue euro The so-called blue euro is the one that circulates in the parallel market, also called the "black" market. The value of the parallel currency is usually higher than the official one because it is acquired in banks and it has an established price. Massa on the IMF:…
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Guido Sandleris, in favor of the choice of Massa as a candidate: “he stabilized the market and reduced the risks of sudden devaluation”

Guido Sandleris, in favor of the choice of Massa as a candidate: “he stabilized the market and reduced the risks of sudden devaluation”

The Córdoba Stock Exchange held its traditional lunch for the business sector in which one of the main speakers was the economist guido sandleris, former president of the Central Bank during the management of Mauricio Macri. Sandleris analyzed the current situation and left very important data regarding the impact of the election of sergio masa as a candidate for union for the homelandalthough he named it very little. “For the financial markets, the novelty of the closing of the lists for the national elections was that none of the main candidates for the presidency had hard kirchnerism and that presented…
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Euro blue today: minute by minute of the price of this Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Euro blue today: minute by minute of the price of this Tuesday, June 27, 2023

He euro blue today tuesday june 27 of 2023 in the informal market is listed to $529.00 for purchase and $535.00 for sale. Casual European currency opens with a low level of $1 the second exchange wheel of the week. What is the blue euro The so-called blue euro is the one that circulates in the parallel market, also called the "black" market. The value of the parallel currency is usually higher than the official one because it is acquired in banks and it has an established price. Elections 2023: the market reaction after the confirmation of the presidential candidates…
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The carry trade comes to an end: they warn of a massive dollarization before the STEP

The carry trade comes to an end: they warn of a massive dollarization before the STEP

The markets opened the day of this Monday to the rise. However, the elections are approaching and, with great uncertainty as to the results, it is possible that there will be a dollarization of portfolios before comedians. In this context, we communicated with the economist miguel boggianowho spoke about the economic and financial situation of the country in view of the PASO. Financial summer, how long can you continue with the carry trade? “Everyone wants the answer to this questionthe portfolios are going to be dollarized because the flows rule”, said Boggiano, who later completed: “Before the PASO there will…
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Franchises in Córdoba: forecast a growth of 15%

Franchises in Córdoba: forecast a growth of 15%

Pablo Torres Trémul, CEO and Founder of the consultancy 384 Group, assured that the franchise sector is accelerating its growth rate and will continue to expand in the future. The businessman marked a milestone for the industry: 2015. That year, the institution of the new Civil and Commercial Code, surely the sector, gave it a regulatory framework and laid the legal foundations for its growth. "From this moment on, the demand for franchises grew and the type of items began to expand," said Torres Trémul, explaining that a decade ago "60% of franchises were fast food and gastronomy." Currently, with…
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The reserves of the Central Bank, at the worst moment of the government of Alberto Fernández

The reserves of the Central Bank, at the worst moment of the government of Alberto Fernández

The BCRA fails to stop the bleeding of reserves. The gross (the assets of the Central, so to speak) are in the worst moment of the president's management Alberto Fernandez and about to drill the 31 million dollarswhen on December 10, 2019 it was US$ 43,785. However, the great currency flight occurred in 2023. This year the gross fell more than 13,300 million dollars from the arcades of the Central. Thus, net reserves (measuring what is owed in relation to what is held) under the IMF methodology they were in a negative historical red of US$ 2,200 millionthe worst mark…
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Argentina, only for now, oblivious to the drought in the United States

Argentina, only for now, oblivious to the drought in the United States

The strong variation in prices experienced by the Chicago Market, driven by the american dryingIt is not reflected in Argentina, since the adoption of interventionist policies on grains, without outstanding prices, hit the local market during June. The grain market faces great price volatility for agricultural commodities as a result of the severe drought that the United States is going through and the record harvest of soybeans and corn obtained by Brazil, in addition to the follow-up that must be done in the event of the conflict. in the Black Sea, which is why specialists in economics and grain trade…
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Retirees who cannot stop working for the price of food, medicine and housing

Retirees who cannot stop working for the price of food, medicine and housing

While in some countries the possibility of extending the retirement age is being debated, in Argentina retirees cannot retire. Between 80 and 90% are forced to continue working, because the monthly income is far below basic needs. “A few years ago I set up an office to help people of retirement age to complete the process. Almost all of those who come to that office come to see how to avoid retiring”, Eugenio Semino, Ombudsman for the Third Age, commented to PROFILE. Those who attend know that "either they go to the minimum, or they go to a replacement rate…
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