
Dalto: how this project works so that people can learn programming

Dalto: how this project works so that people can learn programming

Currently, programming is a field that is developing at high speed due to the high job offer it has. That is why the programmer and content creator for YouTube, lucas daltocreated a scholarship so that people who want to learn programming can enroll. “I found a problem and it was that there was a lot of misinformation about the item itself. In general, with the topic of getting a job and what needs to be learned. So, I put together a web developer profile”, contextualized Lucas Dalto about how his idea to develop the Dalto Project came about. Dalto Project:…
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The exciting story of Bella, the dog who survived the shipwreck and was adopted by one of her rescuers

The exciting story of Bella, the dog who survived the shipwreck and was adopted by one of her rescuers

One of the crew members of the Mexican ship that rescued the Australian castaway lost for three months in the Pacific used a Prettythe dog that accompanied him on the odyssey. Genaro RosalesThe fisherman of the ship, took care of the animal after the rescue, for which the castaway offered to adopt her, so that she would have a place where she could "be calm". Timothy Shaddock, 54, had adopted Bella before leaving, in Mexico. “Bella I found myself in the middle of Mexico. I wanted to find her a home three times, but it always kept coming back to…
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Euro blue today: minute by minute of this Thursday’s price

Euro blue today: minute by minute of this Thursday’s price

He blue euro today Thursday July 20th 2023 in the informal market trades at $565.00 for purchase and $571.00 for sale. The informal European currency is on the rise after $24 increase compared to yesterday's closing value. The so-called blue euro is the one that circulates in the parallel market, also called the "black" market. The value of the parallel currency is usually higher than the official one because it is acquired in banks and it has an established price. Massa-IMF: secret meeting with Georgieva, agreement at the door and a package of measures How much does the official euro…
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Milei attacked a list of candidates that bears the acronym of his last name in Santa Cruz

Milei attacked a list of candidates that bears the acronym of his last name in Santa Cruz

javier milei added this week a new difficulty in relation to the political armed groups in the interior, but this time as a result of a circumstance apparently alien to their political space: in the province of Santa Cruzwhere Freedom Advances not giving up closing an agreement to present candidates for governor or legislative positions, circulated a ballot from the United for Santa Cruz group that contains the acronym MILEI (Liberal and Independent Integrating Movement). Although from said space they denied that it is a strategy to 'capture' votes, the economist expressed disappointment with the controversial coincidence and dismissed the…
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Córdoba blue dollar today: how much is it trading

Córdoba blue dollar today: how much is it trading

This Wednesday, July 19, the parallel dollar in Córdoba is sold at $526while in the port city the blue dollar quote $520.Thus, no variation is registered with respect to the closing of the day on Tuesday. The informal currency marked its maximumregistered so far, on Friday when arriving at the $528 in Cordoba and $522 in Buenos Aires. So far in July, he has raised more than 30 pesos. current price Purchase: $517 Sale: $526 official dollar The official dollar price in Córdoba is for the purchase of $265 and for the sale of $278.58 with a variation of 0.02%…
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Máximo Kirchner presented a project so that a possible privatization of Aerolíneas Argentinas passes through Congress

Máximo Kirchner presented a project so that a possible privatization of Aerolíneas Argentinas passes through Congress

Deputy max kirchner presented this Wednesday a bill that aims to prohibit the transfer of shares of Argentinian airlines without the authorization of the National Congress. In the text, a modification of Law 26,466 is proposed to discuss any attempt at privatization. The initiative establishes "the prohibition of the transfer of shares without the authorization of the National Congress voted by two thirds of its members". He also criticizes the candidates of Together for Change and La Libertad Avanza for promoting the privatization of public companies. The presentation of the project occurs hours after the act in Ezeiza where the…
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Blue dollar today: minute by minute of the price of this Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Blue dollar today: minute by minute of the price of this Tuesday, July 18, 2023

He blue dollar today Tuesday July 18 2023, prior to the opening of the informal market, it is listed at $515 for purchase and $520 for sale. The Parallel North American Currency opens slightly higher by $2 the second exchange round of the week, after a fluctuating initial day that began with a decrease of 4 pesos after having reached the rdisc of the $522. Even with this slight relief, the dollar blue accumulates an increase of $22 since last Monday. Attention retirees and pensioners: What changes after the elimination of the Life Certificate According to the blackboard Bank of…
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A Dental Hospital with innovative technology was inaugurated in San Isidro

A Dental Hospital with innovative technology was inaugurated in San Isidro

The mayor of San Isidro and candidate for lieutenant governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Gustavo Posse, today inaugurated a Municipal Dental Hospital with innovative technology. Located at Avenida Santa Fe 487, Acassuso, it will have a new human resource and seven offices in a space with comfortable facilities, state-of-the-art equipment and instruments. “The demand for dental care grows in a social context in which more and more people turn to the public health system for different reasons. Really, a hospital of these characteristics was necessary to improve the quality of life of our neighbors”, explained Posse. The new…
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Macri congratulated Pullaro and asked to close the JxC internship in Santa Fe

Macri congratulated Pullaro and asked to close the JxC internship in Santa Fe

President Mauricio Macri joined the celebrations of Together for Change for the triumph of Maximiliano Pullaro in the PASO of Santa Fe and called "to work together to ensure this victory over Kirchnerism," after the fierce internal Pullaro vs. carolina losada. “Impressive JvC victory in Santa Fe!! You have to prepare to govern the province. Now to work together to ensure this victory over Kirchnerism. Congratulations to Maxi Pullaro for the great choice of him. My appreciation to Caro Losada who put so much effort ”, Macri published on his Twitter account. The former president joined the JxC celebrations for…
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