Impeachment of the Court, New Prosecutor and Money Laundering: the 27 projects to be discussed in extraordinary sessions

Impeachment of the Court, New Prosecutor and Money Laundering: the 27 projects to be discussed in extraordinary sessions

The Presidential Speaker gabriel cerrutti advanced this Thursday the series of projects that the president Alberto Fernandez included to debate in the extraordinary sessions of the National Congress. Among the 27 themes, the political trial against the members of the supreme court of Justice, the expansion of the Highest Court, the appointment of a new attorney and the new initiative Whiteningamong other topics.

“The draft law to modify article 21, of law 1285/58, in order to increase the number of members of the Supreme Court and the modification of the Council of the Magistracy”, detailed the spokesperson in her usual press conference. On the agenda there is also a project to update the law of General budget and another on the impeachment of horace rosatipresident of the highest court, and its other three members.

Political trial: pro-government deputies call for a “deep” debate and without “chicanas”

After several days of intense speculation, the Government convened extraordinary sessions of Congress on January 23 to February 28, in accordance with articles 63 and 99 paragraph 9 of the National Constitution. A few days ago, the version that had the most force was that the Executive Power was going to summon Congress to work from January 16, but it was difficult with most of the national deputies and senators on vacation.

The topics also include other initiatives, such as the “Zero Alcohol Law”, the capital outsourcing program, the pension moratorium and a reform of INDECamong other.

The 27 projects to be discussed in extraordinary sessions

1) Bill amending subparagraph a) of article 48 of the Traffic and Road Safety Law No. 24,449 on Zero breathalyzer for driving (File Deputies 4718-D-2022 – File Senate 36-CD2022).

2) Bill tending to establish the National System of Residences of the Health Team (Mr. 99/22 Exp. Senate 158-PE-2022).

Supreme Court 20221210

3) Bill that approves the National Science, Technology and Innovation Plan 2030 (Msje 87/22 – File Senate 121-PE-2022 – File Deputies 57-S-2022).

4) Bill of Law through which a series of substitutions to the Law for the Promotion and Promotion of Technological Innovation No. 23,877 and its amendment (Msje. 72/22 Exp. Deputies 11-PE-2022 – Exp. Senate 20-CD-2022).

5) Draft Law tending to modify the Law of Execution of the Pena deprived of liberty No. 24,660 and its amendments (Msje. 44/21 Exp. Senate 26-PE-2021).

6) Draft Law on Comprehensive Approach to institutional violence in Security and Penitentiary Services (Exp. Deputies 1010-D-2022).

7) Treatment of the Agreement required to designate the Attorney General of the nation.

8) Treatment of other agreements required to the Honorable Senate of the Nation.

9) Draft Law tending to introduce modifications in the current legislation linked to the prevention and repression of Money Laundering (LA), the Financing of Terrorism (FT) and the Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (FP) – Amends Law No. 25,246 and its amendments (Msje.28/22 Exp. Deputies 9-PE-2022) .

Counterattack K: requests for impeachment, criminal complaint and Council of the Magistracy
Requests for impeachment, criminal complaint and Council of the Magistracy.

10) Bill to amend article 21 of Decree Law No. 1285/58 in order to extend the number of members of the SUPREME COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE NATION (Exp. Senate 1353-S-2022).

11) Bill to amend the Judicial Council Law -TO 1999- No. 24,937 and its amendments in accordance with the provisions of points II and III of the operative part of the decision handed down in the proceedings “Colegio de Abogados de la City of Buenos Aires and another c/ EN -law 26,080 -dto. 816/99 and others s/knowledge process”. (Msje. 128/21- Exp. Senate 151-PE-2021 – Exp. Deputies 9-S-2022).

12) Bill for the creation of the Laguna El Palmar National Park and National Reserve (Senate File 2553-S-2021 – Deputies File 23-S-2022).

13) Bill for the creation of the Benthic Marine Protected Area “Blue Hole”. (File Deputies 1039-D2022 – File Senate 14-CD-2022).

14) Bill of Law establishing a Differential Pension Regime for workers who work or have worked as forest or rural fire fighters in national or provincial organizations of transferred funds (Exp Senado 75-S-2021 – Exp. Deputies 29-S-2022).

Massa sends a draft Law on Money Laundering after the tax exchange agreement with the United States

15) Bill of Law by which the Pension Debt Payment Plan (File Senate 957-S-2022 – File Deputies 21-S-2022)

16) Draft laws that provide for the creation of national universities.

17) Bill to create the “Regime for the Promotion of Federal, Inclusive, Sustainable and Export Agroindustrial Development” (Mr. 93/21- Exp. Deputies 12-PE-2021).

18) Draft Law which replaces articles 23 and 45 of the Law No. 22,990 of Human blood (File Senate 2309-S-2021 – File Deputies 80-S-2021)

19) Draft Law tending to ensure the containment and accompaniment of people who receive a Diagnosis of Trisomy 21/Down syndrome, for your son or daughter in season or newborn. (File Senate 1466-S-2021 – File Deputies 85-S-2021).

20) Bill of Law by which the Single Federal Program of Computerization and Digitization of Medical Records of the Argentine Republic (File Senate 1787-S-2019 – File Deputies 144-S-2020).

zero alcohol
“Zero Alcohol Law” project.

21) Bill of Law by which the Law of General Budget of Expenses and Calculation of Resources of the National Administration, according to article 170 of the Permanent Complementary Budget Law No. 11,672.

22) Project Argentine Savings Externalization Law.

23) Bills for the Promotion of new energiesand value-added investments in the energy sector.

24) Requests for Political trial of the members of the SUPREME COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE NATION.

25) Bill requesting the corresponding constitutional permission so that the President of the Nation can be absent from the country during the year 2023 (Msje 95/22 – Exp. Senate 143-PE-2022).

26) Bill to modify the National Statistical System.

27) Bill of Law establishing a Simplified Regime for Small Taxpayers.


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