Those people who suffered stressexhaustion and/or nervous breakdowns during their productive working age have a risk of dementia that oscillates between 17 and 24 percent higher than the rest, according to an investigation that detailed that it would be evident from the age of 45 and, significantly, in the men.
The study followed 68,000 people and was conducted by a research team from the University of Helsinki, in the Finnish capital. The result revealed that those who ‘often’ suffered from stress, depression, nervousness or exhaustion, from the age of 45, have a higher risk of dementia than the rest.
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The research arose as a consequence of understanding the risk factors that lead older adults to suffer from these problems. Being aging one of the main circumstances in the increase of memory disorders.
While in Argentina 3 out of 10 workers suffer from the “Burn out” syndrome -or professional exhaustion syndrome-, that is, they suffer physical and mental fatigue, anguish or depression after the work task; The research carried out by the Finnish university sets off alarm bells.
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The Finnish team reported that the reason for the link remains unclear, but it is important to understand the risk factors for the disease. I also said that From the perspective of psychiatry, it is particularly interesting that a connection has been established between symptoms associated with mental distress and organic brain disease.
The specialists added that the link between depression and burnout with dementia was detected significantly in men. Yet another recent study found that just six minutes of high-intensity exercise a day could help slow the onset of Alzheimer’s.
According to a study conducted last year in Argentina among people between the ages of 18 and 46, 90.8% of those surveyed reported suffering stress (28.5%), anxiety (26.8%), insomnia (19.1%) or depression (16.4%). Only 9.2% of the participants said they did not have any of the disorders.
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