The strong release of Bielsa in Chile for the Malvinas, Cristina Kirchner and a mining project: “Impacts on bilateral relations”


The ambassador of Argentina in Chile, Rafael Bielsawas summoned to the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Santiago, by the head of the portfolio, Antonia Urrejolato discuss their statements about their statements regarding a rejected mining project that continued to be controversial and strained bilateral relations.

“This venture was one of the alternatives that Agua Negra (a mountain crossing) was going to have as a port. It would be great for us if they warned us, nothing more than that. As it has an impact on bilateral relations, we wanted you to be informed,” said the diplomat in the framework of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, made up of jaime quintana (PPD), ximena rincon (Democrats), Ivan Moreira (UDI) and Francisco Chahuán (RN), who joined jose miguel insulza (P.S).

Upon arriving at that meeting, Bielsa did not want to answer questions to the press: “I am not going to make any statement, it is understood. Even if they ask me, I’m not going to listen to any question, I’m not going to answer”.

Argentina asked Chile for arguments after detecting 5 irregular flights to the Malvinas Islands

The mining project that fell in Chile

It is that Bielsa had previously expressed his analysis of the bilateral, strategic and commercial relationship between the two countries, and he pointed out in the congestion at border crossings, the supply of gas from Argentina to Chile and the status and investment of the qualification of the Andean crossings of “Las Leñas” and “Agua Negra”.

In this context, the Argentine ambassador referred to The decision of the Committee of Ministers to reject the Dominga project in La Higuera, which was pending approval, was going to mean an investment of US$ 2.5 billion and met with strong objections from environmentalists.

“We don’t want more sacrifice zones, We do not want projects that destroy our Chile, that buy and destroy the communities. And we exemplify it in a case that has been symbolic: No to Dominga!, had said Boric on December 19, 2022, in front of a crowd in downtown Santiago who made that allusion.

Falklands War: why Chile supported Great Britain and not Argentina

Bielsa defended the Malvinas Islands against Cristina Kirchner

If a newspaper tells you falklands to the Malvinas, I let them know”, for which he asked that the expression “falklands/ Malvinas”. “That is a wound for all of Argentina”, accused the ambassador.

Likewise, he assured that “when the different Argentine governments are disrespected, which is a very visible phenomenon in the press, more than in political actors, I cannot let it go. I can’t let the vice president of my country be called ‘chorra’“, alluding to Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.

Continental shelf, another controversy with Chile

Bielsa also referred to the theme of the Continental Shelf, remembering a dinner with the then foreign minister Andrés Allamand. “One Wednesday he came to dinner at the residence […] It was a wonderful night”. “Two days later I found out from the newspaper about the extension of the Chilean platform […] so I think to myself first ‘couldn’t you tell me two days ago?’ What could I have done? He should have done it: call the president and tell him, ‘Look, that’s going to happen’”.

Foreign Ministry accused Chile of trying to appropriate part of the Argentine continental shelf

Then he recalled that both countries went to the commission that determined “the external limits” and said “Chile was with us, we physically shared material with Chile, was it necessary to snub us and leave us as imbeciles with this attitude? So I naturally made my claim.”.

Therefore, the senators agreed to transmit the information delivered by the ambassador to the Foreign Ministry.

Other crosses of Bielsa with Chile

This is not the first tense clash that has arisen between Bielsa and the Chilean government, since last September, the Chilean Foreign Ministry called Bielsa to express its annoyance for his criticism of the right after the triumph of the “rejection” in the constitutional plebiscite of last September 4. “It is not appropriate for an ambassador to give his opinion on the internal politics of the country where he is,” they reproached him.

Bielsa had pointed out on the official radio i am 750 than in Chile”the right says things that are not true, but, despite not being true, they are easy to understand, and progress says things that are true, but in order to explain them, it needs attentionSo that happened here.” Later he acknowledged that “I had an expectation that he would win ‘pass’” in the referendum.

JD /

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