Why Icelanders are fascinated by volcanic eruptions

Why Icelanders are fascinated by volcanic eruptions

  • Thora Arnorsdottir
  • Icelandic journalist

Bardarbunga volcano, Iceland

image source, access point

As children, do you remember running after your siblings without being able to catch up with them? Little feet moving as fast as they could, to no avail. That feeling is what I’m experiencing these days. The reason? A volcano.

Every morning I set my alarm for 6:00 am, not to get in the shower, but to check every website with information about volcanoes in my country, Iceland. Since August 16, thousands of earthquakes have occurred below Europe’s largest glacier, Vatnajökull, which covers 8,800 square kilometers in southeast Iceland.

Scientists believe that this seismic activity is caused by the enormous amount of magma moving under the Earth’s crust, which could even move from one volcanic system to another.

A small eruption started, took a break, and renewed itself again on Friday, August 29, with much more force. The fissure is located to the north of the glacier, and when the eruption occurs below the glacier, the magma explodes when it comes into contact with the ice and the ash flows out.

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