Wreckage of out-of-control Chinese rocket crashes into South Pacific

Wreckage of out-of-control Chinese rocket crashes into South Pacific

After the closure of the airspace in the northern half of Spain due to the danger of impact from the Chinese rocket out of control Long March 5B, the space artifact has re-entered the atmosphere from the earth. The remains have fallen on the South Pacific Ocean at 11.01 peninsular hours, they have reported the United States Space Command and the European Aviation Safety Agency (TO THAT). The rocket medium 17.8 metershad a diameter of 4.2 meters Y weighed around 23.3 tons at the time of takeoff, which took place last Monday from the Wenchang Space Launch Centerin Hainan.

This launch, as well as the other three previous ones, are part of the project to build the first chinese space stationwhich will be finished before the end of the year and will be called tiangong (Heavenly Palace, in Spanish). This rocket also had a concrete mission: send the laboratory module mengtian to the little one scientific city floating in space.

The coupling was a success and the Mengtian, together with the central module Tianhe and another lab called Wentianthey are already attached and the space station has a way of letter T. It weighs 70 tons and is expected to work for 15 years, orbiting about 400 kilometers from the Earth’s surface.

fourth rocket out of control

This has been the fourth time that a Long March 5B rocket will enter Earth from shapes uncontrolled. On the three previous occasions, debris fell on a inhabited area along the west coast of Africa, in the Indian Ocean near the Maldives, and in northern Borneo. Fortunately, neither on the previous occasions nor on this one, no one was injured or killed.

Only space station?

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By 2030, China’s space station is likely to become the world’s only space station if the International Space Station is decommissioned as planned. That year it will cease operations and have a dramatic end: the large space module, which has been in low orbit since 1998, will fall into the Pacific Ocean and sink to the bottom of the sea in early 2031.

In recent years, the Chinese space program has achieved mixed successes. In 2018, a probe, Chang’e 4, landed on the far side of the Moon for the first time in history. Since then, it is recommended to conquer the Moon. In September, China discovered a new lunar mineral.

By Anna Edwards

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