The live-action film adaptation of Haro Aso’s comedy-horror manga, Zom 100: Wish List of the Deadis coming exclusively to Netflix in August 2023. The exciting new adaptation has the potential to be a huge hit with subscribers, and we’ll cover all the details you need to know about the Zom 100: Wish List of the Dead movie on Netflix.
Netflix has been very successful in the zombie genre with series like Kingdom, we are all deadand the movie #Alive. However, all three popular titles have been Korean titles, which means Zom 100: Wish List of the Dead is the first original Japanese zombie movie to come to Netflix.
Based on the manga by Haro Aso and illustrated by Kotaro Takata, since October 2018 Zom 100: Wish List of the Dead has been published in the Japanese magazine Monthly Sunday Gene-X. Viz Media holds the publishing rights in North America.
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When is the Zom 100 Wish List of the Dead Netflix release date?
We can confirm that Zom 100 Wish List of the Dead comes to Netflix on Thursday, August 3, 2023.
What is the plot of Zom 100 Wish List of the Dead?
For the past three years, Tendou Akira has been a wage slave for a popular production company. Overworked, underpaid, and with no time for himself, Akira has become a mindless zombie meant for one purpose: work. When the zombie apocalypse hits, Akira is overjoyed, happy that, for the first time in three years, he finally has a day off. Realizing that the zombie apocalypse means he will never have to go back to the office again, Akira decides to make the most of his new freedom by creating a list of 100 things he would like to do before he becomes a zombie.
Who are the cast members of Zom 100 Wish List of the Dead?
Eiji Akaso has been confirmed to play the lead role of Tendou Akira, a former wage slave and creator of Zombie Bucket List.
Akaso is best known for playing Ryuga Banjo, also known as Kamen Rider, in the beloved Kamen Rider franchise. He recently starred in TV shows. very rich and Kanojo was Kirei datta.
how many movies of Zom 100 Wish List of the Dead we can wait?
As of this writing, there are ten published manga volumes of Zom 100 Wish List of the Deadwith an eleventh to be released in Japan on June 17, 2022. The seventh volume of the manga’s English translation will be released in August 2022.
Each volume covers approximately three to four chapters.
After reading some of the manga, we hope that the movie will adapt the first three volumes.
Any future sequels would depend on the popularity of the series with subscribers.
What is the production status of Zom 100: Wish List of the Dead?
Official production status: Post-production (Last update: 08/12/2022)
filming for Zom 100: Wish List of the Dead it took place in the summer and came to an end sometime in the fall.
Netflix Asia released a video for the film in early September 2022.
are you excited about Zom 100 Wish List of the Dead? Let us know in the comments below!