daniel passerini will change a victory resonance and rule the cordoba city since December 10, thus giving continuity to the management that began three and a half years ago Martin Llaryora, accompanied precisely by Passerini. The context did not matter much when it came to celebrating, but without a doubt the low voter turnout (the lowest, by far, since the return of democracy) is an issue that must be addressed by politics.
The numbers leave no doubt: the Córdoba Capital register is 1,133,317 and only 58% participated, that is, some 657,300 people went to vote. In the provincial elections, 766,280 people from Cordoba voted, so today some 108,000 fewer people went to vote than in the provincial ones. All data.
Although in recent weeks the polls (the few that were released, unlike what happened in the provincial elections) gave the winner to rodrigo de loredoWhat is certain is that the triumph of the current vice was much clearer than expected in both forces.
Although Passerini’s triumph is not in dispute, the ‘big winner’ of the comical results Llaryora. Not only because he started and ran the campaign from end to end, but because he trusted his current vice at a time when there were plenty of potable candidates and advanced despite criticism that the current vice had a very high level of ignorance.
In little more than a month, he held his administration twice in plebiscite and both times he was successful. Although he prevailed in the gubernatorial election by a slight difference, there was a key victory in the Capital, a percentage that was maintained in this election.
Thus, Llaryora consolidates an unprecedented power structure in Cordoba that José Manuel de la Sota and Juan Schiaretti knew how to build. The great unknown was to know with what structure he was going to face the challenge of leading the expanded Peronism of Córdoba. Passerini’s electoral performance cleared up that doubt and now he has power in two of the largest structures in the country (Province and Municipality), from where he began to cement his projection.
The fact is not minor: at various stages of the campaign, the possibility of the radical De Loredo ruling the City and from there battling against Llaryora was analyzed in depth. In fact, now that the election is over, in the PJ he recognizes that Passerini started about 10 points down. “We knew it was difficult but we knew we were turning it around after winning on June 25,” say the leaders of Peronism.
In the environment of the current mayor, he began to work to all the machinery of Peronism because they had three key aspects that they preferred: image approval of Llaryora himself above 60%; approval of the management close to 65%; and the triumph in the elections of June 25. “You couldn’t waste that,” point out in Hacemos Unidos por Córdoba.
Llaryora himself had the lectern that he did not have on the night of the 25th and a fiery speech appeared, to the shouts, where hard charge against Together for Change and a good part of his sayings was directed to the national stage.
“It seems that if you do not go to the Federal Capital you do not exist. A government has to arrive that distributes better,” said the governor-elect.
“It cannot be that we bank the withholdings. They are US$ 3,500 million that are taken from our hands. It is time that we start thinking about a different and federal country. Start creating a country together, otherwise one day we will go for ours, ”he said in one of the most critical moments of his speech.
In the end, he closed pondering Schiaretti president: “You don’t have to wait for leaders to come from outside. Let’s put Schiaretti as president”.