Taiana defended the reform project of the Armed Forces that the opposition described as “chavisación”

Taiana defended the reform project of the Armed Forces that the opposition described as “chavisación”

The project of Reform of the Armed Forces promoted by the national government aroused the rejection of various opposition figures who interpret it as an attempt to “taming the Armed Forces”. Miguel Ángel Pichetto, José Luis Espert and Eugenio Burzaco disapproved of the proposal after considering it part of a maneuver that they described as chavization of the armed forces. Faced with this, the Defense Minister, Jorge Taianaissued a reply in which disqualified opponents for having said, according to the official, “irresponsibly or without having read the content of the Project.”

Through a statement titled “We are not going to allow the chavización of the Argentine armed forces“, broadcast on Friday, July 14, the General Auditor of the Nation Miguel Ángel Pichetto, the Buenos Aires deputy José Luis Espert and the Minister of Justice and Security of the City, Eugenio Burzaco, demonstrated against the military personnel bill that Kirchnerism presented in the Senate last Monday.

armed forces
Armed forces. Photo: Telam

The opposition questioned the powers of the Executive Branch in terms of promotions, given that the project contemplates that the national president can promote noncommissioned officers without going through the qualifications board.

For this reason, opposition officials argued that the reform constitutes a “Test of ideologization and outrage against the Armed Forces”At the same time, they warned that the initiative, if approved, “seriously limits the modernization and maximization of human resources against the current of what is happening in the world.”

“We firmly oppose this new attack on the Armed Forces, which have shown time and time again resilience to these attacks”affirmed the signatories of the aforementioned document.

“The President is the Supreme Chief of the same and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces,” said Taiana.

Faced with this, Taiana formulated a series of clarifications about the questioned project, through a statement entitled “Considerations on the Military Personnel Law”.

The minister lost that “statements made by members of the opposition have little to do with the democratic spirit of the Military Personnel Bill sent to the Honorable National Congress.”

Among his arguments, the Minister of Defense stressed that “it is the responsibility of the President of the Nation, in his character as Supreme Chief of the same and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forcesthe Directorate of National Defense and the Direction of the Armed Forces, in the terms established by the National Constitution”.

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“It is a presidential power that can be delegated by the corresponding Regulatory Decree. A law of Congress cannot delegate the powers that correspond constitutionally to the Executive Branch, in this case the President as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces,” remarked the head of Defense.

In turn, in the Taiana statement, he focused on the fact that the project presented in Congress establishes that “the promotions of Officers, NCOs, Troops and Students will take place to the next higher grade according to the existing vacancies, depending on the criteria of seniority and suitability, through the selection system and in accordance with the procedures established by the Regulations of the Law”.

“These criteria and mechanisms are precisely those established in the Qualifications Board of each one of the Forces and that, far from being repealed, are strengthened,” requested Jorge Taiana.


By Anna Edwards

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